2016 Past News

2016 House Captains


We would like to introduce our House Captains for 2019.


Davilak Captains - Wenda and Zak

Davilak Vice Captains - Tenielle and Luis



Hamilton Captains - Julianna and Hi-C

Hamilton Vice Captains - Jessica and Leo



Manning Captains - Giorgia and Jem

Manning Vice Captains - Jia and Keanu



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2016 Prefects

Congratulations to Jiya, Julianna, Hi-C and Zak on being selected as Prefects for Semester 2.


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Travel Smart Team


We would like to introduce our Travel Smart Team for 2016.

Sofia, Branden, Kyla, Dillon, Mary and Beau.


The captains for the team are Mary and Dillon. Congratulations everyone.



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Thank You Woolworths

Woolworths in Port Coogee opened their new store on Wednesday 8 June with an opening ceremony that included addresses by a number of local dignitaries. Roslyn McKay, as the school’s representative, was presented with a cheque for $1000. We would like to thank the store manager, Natasha who provided every child at Phoenix PS with a $10 store voucher that could be used on the opening day. We look forward to building an ongoing relationship with Woolworths for the benefit of the students at Phoenix PS.


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House Cross Country Championships


Last Tuesday saw the House Cross Country Carnival finally happen; the previous date having been rained off. Although rain threatened throughout the day luckily it held off long enough for the races to be run. The students looked impressive in their faction colours and I was greatly impressed with their physical efforts. The races were competitive and the House Championship was won by Hamilton, with Manning a very close second and Davilak finishing in third. Finally, I would like to thank my fellow members of staff for their assistance on the day and the parents who came to support their children.  




David Walsh
Phys Ed and Health Specialist


Champion Girls:

Year 1 - Sofia

Year 2 - Tatjana

Year 3 - Zophia

Year 4 - Emily

Year 5 - Zahara

Year 6 - Juliana


Champion Boys:

Year 1 - Cheveyo

Year 2 - Steven

Year 3 - Oliver

Year 4 - Blake

Year 5 - Kristian

Year 6 - Hi-C


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Bike Skills Course

We have been very fortunate to have a qualified bike instructor from WestCycle at the school to teach groups of children the basics of bike riding. The children have enjoyed 3 x 2 hour sessions learning to ride confidently and safely through demos and practical activities. The children have gained bike knowledge, skills and confidence which will make their future bike riding safe and fun.

Thanks Leigh!




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A5 and A6 Visit to Kalamunda History Village - 2016

What a wonderful time the children had visiting the Kalamunda History Village Open Museum. There were many hands on experiences to do. We walked through a house of a family of six and saw how they lived (including the bath in front of the fire), had a try at washing clothes on a board and using ‘dolly pegs’ to hang them out to dry.  The children really enjoyed playing with the old fashioned toys and visiting the old classroom. Thank you to our parents who assisted with the activities on the day and a special thank you to the P&C for supplementing the bus fees and enabling us to travel so far. The village is open to the public, opening times and fees are on their website. Some families may wish to be guided around by your child they have so much to tell.





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Scitech Excursion

On Monday October 24 2016, B2 and B4 had an exciting day at Scitech. Our schedule for the day was:


  • 10.00 – 10.30am:  Things That Glow Theatre Show
  • 10.30 – 11.15am: Time to explore with parent helpers.
  • 11.15 – 11.45am: Lunch
  • 12.00 – 1.00pm: Planetarium Show
  • 1.00 – 2.00pm: Explore-a-saurus school programme

We would like to thank the parents of the following children for coming to help: Austin (B2), Bianca (B2), Lachlann (B2), Lucia (B2), Carl (B4), Christine L (B4), Dianne (B4), Sofia (B4) and Zophia (B4).


Thank you also to Mrs Railton for organising our excursion and to the P&C for the contribution towards the bus costs.






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Wordmania - Congratulations B4!!!

B4 is a Word Mania competition winner for Round One. Phoenix Primary School placed in the top three in WA FREMANTLE/PEEL!


B4 is part of something big, REALLY big!
More than 260,000 students from 2,000 schools have built over 36 million words and have played Word Mania for over 5.3 million minutes - that's over 10 years of 24 hour a day literacy in just one month!  Last week alone, there were more than 18.5 million words built.


B4 students each received a special certificate at the assembly on Wednesday 10 August for their amazing achievement.


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Mental Health in the Early Years

"We believe that school should be more than just a safe place for learning. All young people deserve access to respect, acceptance, creative expression & real leadership opportunities - regardless of their social label, popularity, sexuality or cultural background." PROJECT ROCKIT

We would like to share some great websites that were provided to me as a resource for parents and students that you may find useful.












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Another Phoenix Champion!

Well done to Blake from C2 who won the Intermediate Runner Up boy at the Interschool Athletics Carnival on Thursday 20 October. Blake did a tremendous job representing Phoenix and we congratulate him on his efforts.


Great job Blake!



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Year 3 Excitement!


Our year threes were very lucky to have had the Fire and Rescue Service A Platoon from the Fremantle Station come and visit us. We had a one hour session where the firemen spoke to the children about the following topics:

  • The role of a firefighter
  • Knowing the sound of a smoke alarm
  • Calling 000 in an emergency
  • Crawling low under smoke
  • Firefighting protective gear and equipment

The children were also able to touch some of the specialised equipment and the highlight of the session was using the fire hose!


Thank you to all the firemen that gave up their time to visit us.


Ms Maria Clapsis



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State Gymnastic Champion!

Congratulations to Lacey who competed on Monday September 26 at the State Gymnastic Championships held at Fremantle PCYC.


Gymnasts from several metropolitan and country clubs took part. Lacey came 2nd overall and won a trophy. She also got a gold medal on bars, silver on floor and bronze on beam.


Well done Lacey!! I was glad I was there to watch you. Mrs Clapsis




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House Athletics Carnival

Week 9 - term 3 saw the annual school sports carnival taking place over 2 days.  Wednesday saw the older students taking part in the throws and jumps and Friday the whole school come down to the oval to take part in the team games.  Many of the races were close finishes and this reflected on the House scores with very few points between the Houses for most of the day.  In the end Davilak finished the overall winners with a score of 489, followed by Manning with 4710 and only a few points behind them Hamilton on 462 points.

This year has seen the re-introduction of the Champion Girls and Boys into our school.   Points are awarded for a series of the events, at the end of the carnival these points are calculated to discover who the champions are for that year.  Champion Boy and Girls medals are awarded to our Intermediate (Years 3-4) and Senior (Years 5-6) students.


This year the results were as follows:


Intermediate Boys                               

1st - Oliver - 40 points  (pictured)           

2nd - Blake - 32 points                            

3rd - Jack - 14 points


Intermediate Girls

1st - Emily - 28 points (pictured)

2nd - Lani - 27 points

3rd - Adele - 25 points           


Senior Boys                                            

1st - Hi-C - 47 points (absent for picture)                   

2nd - Luis - 31 points

3rd - Nathan - 23 points                    


Senior Girls

1st - Julianna - 52 points (pictured)

2nd - Emeline - 36 points

3rd - Chloe - 15 points



You can view the photos of the day in our Gallery.


Also a big thank you to the P&C for cooking us lunch and making delicious cupcakes, jelly cups and helping us set up and pack away. It's always a big effort and we really appreciate it.


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Pre Primary Bike Track

The Pre Primary outdoor play area continues to grow with our latest addition being the amazing bike track! It was lovely to see so many excited faces on Monday as the children used their strength and co-ordination to pedal around the track. A huge thank you to Tracey Katnich, Malcolm and Sally Garbin for all your hard work in making it all happen! Thanks to Liz Paulin, Monique Underwood, Vanessa Moore, Mrs Briffa and Tracey Katnich for digging up the grass in the school holidays. The next stage will be to extend the nature play area to allow for more room to climb and explore!


Renee Johnston

Pre Primary teacher





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Hiroshima Tree Planting

On Friday August 5, Leonard and I (Giorgia) went to Dixon Reserve for the annual Hiroshima tree planting ceremony.  We planted a Hiroshima tree and took some photos.  After that we went to Cockburn City council to have morning tea and make some paper cranes. Ten other schools went as well. The mayor and a Japanese representative were there welcoming everyone to the council hall. We got told the story of Sadako and the 1000 paper cranes she tried to make. Sadako made 999 and then she died of radiation poisoning. When we left we got two pamphlets, ‘Amazing Paper in Japan’ and ‘Miniature is Big in Japan.’  We got to keep the things we made and an origami doll.  It was really fun and we hope you go and see the tree we planted in Dixon Park. We hope no country should suffer what Hiroshima suffered.



By Giorgia and Leonard



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State Schools Cross Country Championships

On Friday August 12, two of our Phoenix students competed in the annual State Schools Cross Country Championships at McGillivray Oval. Olie from B4 and Blake from C2 competed against 250 competitors from all over Western Australia in the year 4, 2000 metre race.


Both boys performed exceptionally well and were a credit to Phoenix Primary School.  Olie placed 38th and Blake placed 45th. Congratulations boys.




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2016 Graduation Achievement Award Recipients

The following students were recipients of the following awards at our Graduation Assembly. Congratulations everyone!



Academic Dux Award - McKyla Juliana Sy

Academic Excellence Award - Jiya Roy Prasad

Academic Excellence Award - Wenda Englis

Endeavour Award - Luis Masaredo

RSL Leadership Award - Giorgia D’Alessandro

Citizenship Award - Zak Paruscio

City of Cockburn Graduation Award - Leonard Williams

City of Cockburn Graduation Award - Jem Algabre

Scitech Award - Moris Mpimbazi

Scitech Award - Kate Garing

Achievement Sport Award - Hi-C Jayme

Endeavour Sport Award - Emeline Niyokwizigira




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